A set of new carriages were designed and built for this stunning private railway in Devon.
A set of new carriages were designed and built for this stunning private railway in Devon.
Alongside the two carriages, we were asked to overhaul this Darjeeling and Himalayan Railway B Class replica locomotive for this 10¼" gauge railway set in the grounds of the owner's home. Each carriage was designed to comfortably seat 12 passengers as they enjoy the railway that was carefully designed and built by the owner over the last few years.
This was a turn-key project for a locomotive and carriages including the design, supply and installation of over half a kilometre of track through protected woodland.
This was a turn-key project for a locomotive and carriages including the design, supply and installation of over half a kilometre of track through protected woodland.
Against the classic Scottish backdrop of Ayton Castle, an 0-6-0 diesel hydraulic locomotive, ‘Lloyd’ (AK109/20), and two bogie carriages will carry guests through the grounds of the estate to the Castle. Supplied as a turn-key project, this new 800m, 10¼” gauge railway was installed in a particularly sensitive landscape.
The railway’s track was thoroughly planned with extensive liaison with the project’s landscape architects and arboriculturalists. The track was carefully and painstakingly laid through the woodland area to minimise impact on the trees’ root systems. By slighly elevating the track bed and carefully packing the sleepers, the finished result is a railway that treads only lightly in its environment.
Ayton Castle has been newly renovated throughout with careful reference to its listed status. A classic deep blue and red livery was chosen by the client to suit the rest of the Castle’s stunning styling.
Easy-ride bogies ensure the locomotive and carriages offer a smooth and very comfortable ride for operators and passengers. The locomotive itself is fitted with a reliable, low emission, compact Perkins EU Stage V, US Tier 4 diesel engine, coupled to a hydrastatic drive. Together delivering single-lever, highly responsive dynamic control. Overall, the locomotive’s controls have been kept simple and intuitive to use. The engine is designed to require only minimal day-to-day maintenance and checks with just an annual service required to keep it running reliably year after year.
The locomotive and carriages with passengers illustrates the relatively spacious nature of the carriages for children and adults alike. Set low over the easy-ride bogies that are a hallmark of our design, the carriages are highly stable in use, and offer a smooth and very comfortable ride
Funicular railways are technically challenging both in design and construction.
Funicular railways are technically challenging both in design and construction.
Suitable for carrying both passengers and materials, we undertake the design and construction of funicular railways, working hand-in-hand with other specialists in the equipment required, particularly for the winch gear, to ensure they operate safely. Whilst overcoming problems for many sites, funicular railways require considerable investment, particularly when carrying passengers, both at the design stage in establishing underlying ground conditions, and during the construction phase for both the track and rolling stock.
Over the years we've been involved in the building of these type of railways and our specialist knowledge has been called on for inspections too.
Shown here a just a few of those we've either designed and built or have recently inspected.
Everyone that knows us, understands that railways are our personal passion as well as our business.
Everyone that knows us, understands that railways are our personal passion as well as our business.
We have our own collection of steam, petrol and battery-electric locomotives as well as a range of carriages and wagons. All lovingly restored or built from scratch, some are very much a work in progress and usually only seen at our Open Days.
Woto is clearly the pride and joy - painstakingly restored from a near derelict state and brought back to life by Patrick, Woto has operated extensively on UK and near-continental heritage railways, bringing pleasure to all that have come into contact with her. Taffy is a replica De Winton vertical boiler locomotive built by Alan and, whilst she hasn't been in steam for over ten years, she is now being prepared ready for steaming at the 2022 Open Day. Our 'Woto Weekends' have turned into 'Taffy Weekends' - thank you to everyone that comes along!
The Dalmunzie collection was acquired by Patrick in 2017 (shown here being removed from the Dalmunzie estate) and the two unique, Motor-Rail carriages became a lockdown restoration project for Alan, with the expectation that they will be used for passengers at the 2022 Open Day. The Dalmunzie Motor Rail petrol locomotive is an altogether bigger project and will be tackled as and when time allows.
In our own garden, a range of vintage wagons and skips do service for gardening duties and wood hauling, with the railway extended into the woodstores, whilst a venerable battery locomotive from the slate mines in Wales stands ready for restoration too.
Created for a customer with a real passion for railways, this project typifies all that this type of railway can be.
Created for a customer with a real passion for railways, this project typifies all that this type of railway can be.
Whilst not involved in the original build of the railway, we undertook a significant extension including connecting the railway to new stock sheds including the design, supply and installation of complex pointwork.
We repaired the existing petrol locomotive and designed and built a new Heywood style wagon.
Nothing short of fun - and good exercise too!
Nothing short of fun - and good exercise too!
A bicycle fit for rails - this was the concept of Puff for our customer's private garden railway. A means of keeping fit and having great fun all from one railway!
A 15" modern-day Heywood style railway allows the owners to maintain their grounds with ease, as well as travel in comfort.
A 15" modern-day Heywood style railway allows the owners to maintain their grounds with ease, as well as travel in comfort.
Alan Keef Ltd built two diesel locomotives and a selection of passenger and goods rolling stock for this 1.5 mile railway.
This hand-worked railway allows firewood to be moved between a drying kiln, storage area and a modern wood-fired heating boiler serving the main house of the estate.
This hand-worked railway allows firewood to be moved between a drying kiln, storage area and a modern wood-fired heating boiler serving the main house of the estate.
Alan Keef Ltd installed the track and supplied suitable wagons, making further adjustments and additions once the original concept had been proven.
Difflin Lake Railway winds 2.5 miles through Oakfield Park in County Donegal allowing visitors to view the surrounding countryside in comfort.
Difflin Lake Railway winds 2.5 miles through Oakfield Park in County Donegal allowing visitors to view the surrounding countryside in comfort.
Originally conceived as a private estate railway, the park is now open for the public to visit and enjoy all year round.
We acted as consultants for the original design and installation of this 15" gauge railway and supplied the locomotives and rolling stock which were styled with a nod to the original County Donegal Railways.
We continue to work with the estate to maintain and inspect the railway as part of its ongoing development as a public attraction.
The Eaton Railway is part of the extensive estate of Eaton Hall in Cheshire. Designed for the private use of the estate, home to the Duke of Westminster, the railway is often operated as part of the estate's occasional charity open days.
The Eaton Railway is part of the extensive estate of Eaton Hall in Cheshire. Designed for the private use of the estate, home to the Duke of Westminster, the railway is often operated as part of the estate's occasional charity open days.
As well as helping to maintain the locomotives and carriages, our work with this railway has, in recent years, included a complete track relay to replace all the sleepers and ease curves and turnouts that were causing issues.
This private garden 10¼" gauge railway is a recreation of a traditional Edwardian garden railway and is a pure delight.
This private garden 10¼" gauge railway is a recreation of a traditional Edwardian garden railway and is a pure delight.
After emerging from its engine shed and station area in the lower garden into a wooded area, the railway traverses through the beautiful landscape before entering a paddock set with sculptures that can then be viewed from all angles as the train continues its journey. A further holt is set alongside the estate's helipad and driveway which allows passengers to alight before continuing their onward journey!
The engine and rolling stock were acquired from an earlier private garden railway and were extensively overhauled before being put into service.
Further work to the estate and garden here necessitated part of the railway being taken up to protect it, before being carefully relaid.